Tending the Roots

(Pre)Pregnancy—-Late Motherhood

Reclaim Your Innate Skills, Capacity and Wisdom

Do you feel like your ability to nurture in the way you truly want is stifled or waning, or are you struggling to feel deeply rooted in your connection with your child or path to becoming a Mother?

Are you worried that anxiety, tension, or lack of inner clarity is interfering with or draining your relationships?

Are you craving ways to feel more connected to your deeper wisdom and capacity - to vitalize and fortify core skills?

Whether you are exploring becoming a Mother, pregnant, or deep into your Mothering journey -

I’m so glad you’re here.

The Roots of Motherhood

Many of us are Mothering or hoping to Mother in ways that we did not receive, see, or experience - shifting patterns or cycles so that we can give our children a deeper sense of nurture and guidance to fund their thriving lives.

While this shift is a beautiful gift, it can be hard to feel rooted and clear in bringing this vision to life. Certain seasons in Mothering can feel unexpectedly difficult or depleting, straining the connection we want to cultivate or derailing some of what we feel we’ve built. 

And for so many of us, self-nurture is often a big challenge or barrier.

Being raised to care for others and ourselves from a place of passivity, pleasing, or lack creates patterns that distance us from our deep, mature wisdom and vitality.

When we bring these patterns into any stage of Mothering, we often find ourselves in cycles of burnout, perfection, resentment/regret, or swings in emotional and energetic extremes.

We need space throughout our journey to tend the roots—to richly nourish ourselves, expand/(re)learn nurture skills, support the parts that have been stifled or keep us entrenched in old, depleting patterns, and reclaim the deep and generative nurturer within.

Tending the Roots is vitalizing, healing work from the inside out. It’s a reclamation that many of us hunger for -

Welcome in.

Is this for me?

Nurture is a good fit if some of these ring true~

~you find the Mothering season you’re in unexpectedly difficult or stressful - including the decision whether or not to become a Mother

~perfection can play out in chronic, sneaky ways for you

~you struggle to feel relaxed, playful, or fully present

~you tend to over-manage/control or be passive/permissive - you want to feel more grounded and assertive

~you feel overwhelmed or derailed by external “shoulds” / expectations

~despite your intentions or hopes, you’re worried you’ll repeat the Mothering you had, OR you find yourself currently in patterns that lack deep nurturance

~you crave more robust self-nurture - you’re eager to shift out of rigid or draining patterns

~fertility or conception has been a challenging journey

~you want to feel more richly connected to your inner voice + wisdom

~you want to strengthen clear communication and emotional awareness/attunement

“For so long, we’ve learned to suppress and stifle our deeper wisdom and inner vision when, in truth, they are an essential way home to ourselves, our nurturance and vital energy.”

— Tish Linstrom Wise Woman Roots

Results you might experience from Nurture~

  • strengthened self-trust + attunement

  • feel vitalized root deep

  • more robust relationships + joy in day to day

  • deepened capacity/skill in communication + conflict

  • more pleasure + congruence in self-nourishment

  • shift out of rigid patterns or beliefs that fuel disconnection

  • clarity + rootedness in your values and inner compass as Mother (or becoming a Mother)

  • greater capacity for presence + play

  • awareness + ability to thrive in the Mothering season you’re in

Nurture Includes~

  • 6 in-person or online sessions @ 60 minutes each

  • integration tools + practices

  • ongoing email for support + integration

  • recommended resources + referrals

  • discounted access to future/continued sessions

Motherhood Nurture 6 Sessions
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Current Client Re-Up 3 sessions
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